Pochemutor is a project for monitoring and analyzing comments in Telegram channels (currently one large Z channel). We track the appearance of words like "pochemu", "nuclear" and others in comments, collect statistics and show the most interesting discussions.
You can vote for comments you like - the most popular ones will appear in the "Most Popular Comments" section at the bottom of the page.
коментарів сьогодні
Here are the 10 comments with the most votes of all time. Voting is not available in this section - you can only vote for new comments above.
коментарів сьогодні
Here are the 10 comments with the most votes of all time. Voting is not available in this section - you can only vote for new comments above.
коментарів сьогодні
Here are the 10 comments with the most votes of all time. Voting is not available in this section - you can only vote for new comments above.
коментарів сьогодні
Here are the 10 comments with the most votes of all time. Voting is not available in this section - you can only vote for new comments above.
The word cloud is generated based on comment analysis for the last 24 hours. The process includes: Collecting all posts from the last 24 hours Analyzing up to 50 comments under each post Extracting unique words from comments Filtering out service parts of speech (pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, etc.)
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